The Mac, iOS, and Safari operating systems are updated with security updates every week by Apple

By TechThop, August 19, 2022

Apple products used to be safe from cybercriminals' reach, as strange as that may seem to some people, it used to be the case less than ten years ago. There is no doubt that Apple products are at just as much risk in today's world as everything else. The Mac, iOS, iPad, and Safari have all been updated with security updates this week.

Updates patch zero-day vulnerabilities and Apple says it is aware that these vulnerabilities have been actively exploited. There are several critical vulnerabilities in macOS, iOS, and iPadOS that may enable attackers to execute code with kernel privileges that could effectively grant malware unfettered access to the operating system of these devices.

In addition to the updates for both operating systems, the updates also include a patch for a WebKit which could allow an attacker to execute code through a malicious website that contains a website. Furthermore, Safari has also been updated to address the same vulnerability that allowed code execution through malicious websites if the user visits a malicious website.

Apple users have had a busy week with updates. As a result of a bug that was discovered earlier this week, Zoom had to issue a patch to address the issue. Zoom's auto-update function was exploited by an attacker to slip malicious programs through.