What is the procedure for exiting the fullscreen mode on a Mac computer

By TechThop, August 20, 2022

When you're using multiple windows on a Mac computer, you probably know how to downsize and quit windows as needed, but when you go into full-screen mode, it's not always obvious how to exit. If you're working on a smaller screen, or if you want to remove distractions, using full-screen mode is useful.

However, you need to know how to exit full-screen mode on a Mac as well. Here's how you go full screen. The upper-left corner of most macOS apps has three round buttons. Toward the right, you'll find the full-screen option, which is a green button with arrows pointing outward. When downsizing the window, you may select it without meaning to.

A disadvantage of full-screen mode is that those handy window buttons disappear. As a result, your Mac screen is cleaner, but it isn't immediately obvious how you can minimize the window. The exit option can be accessed by hovering your cursor in the upper-left corner of your display. Once your cursor lingers over the window control buttons, you should see them.

After selecting the Green button again, you have the option of exiting full screen. Avoid sweeping your cursor too far to the left, as this can sometimes display additional menus that will block the window buttons. When Safari pops out its bookmark menu, you will no longer be able to see all your options. You can reset things if this happens by moving your cursor away from the corner.

You can exit the full-screen mode by pressing Command + Control + F again. In case you plan on using it frequently, it's an easy shortcut to learn! Is there a particular app you would like to open in full-screen mode always? That can be enabled if you don't mind it affecting all your apps. Select General from the System preferences menu.

Find the option that says Close windows when quitting an app. Uncheck and disable it. In essence, your Mac will now remember window settings when you re-open an app and resume them. When you use an app again after shutting it down in full screen, it will reappear in full screen. Time can be saved by doing this.

How about having an app always open in full-screen mode? If you don't mind all your apps being affected, you can enable that option. Select the General section in System preferences. When you quit an app, look for the option that says Close windows when quitting. Ensure that it is unchecked and disabled.

While the wording may sound confusing, your Mac will now remember window settings and resume them when you reopen an app. After you shut down an app in full screen, it will reappear in full screen the next time you open it. You can save some time by doing this.